Monday, May 16, 2011

A Good Deed and Pearls

Saturday the Post Office collected food for a local shelter.  Sarah Anne proudly carried her food to the mail box.  She is so so cute and was so pleased!!  Also, Sarah Anne now cannot go without some kind of jewelry.  Yesterday even though she had no shirt, she had to have her pearl necklace on.  Even this morning at 6:30 when her Daddy brought her into our room she had her necklace alredy (no we don't let her sleep with it).  Here is our "pearly" good-deed girly!

Daddy let me do it!!

I'm a big girl and I can carry it myself!

Off I go!

Now where am I taking this?

Concentrating hard....

Mission Complete!!

I just love this necklace!

I will drive my car, but I must have my necklace!

Where is it going?

Rocking rocking!

What do you need?


  1. Thanks! And your comment posted! YAY!!

  2. Your girlie is sweet, sweet, sweet! And I know all of the family LOVES getting to see pictures of her here. :)

    Hugs to you! I KNOW you are doing an amazing job as a mommy! :)

  3. Thanks! I was actually thinking about you today! How are you and your sweet girls doing?
