Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Library and Lunch

This has been a busy busy week and we're only at Wednesday, but we have LOVED it.  Sarah Anne LOVES being on the go!  Today it was story time at the Library and then Topher and Lori  came over for lunch.  We had a great time.  Sarah Anne loves "taking care of" Topher, even though he doesn't need it.  Here is our sweet girl:

Sarah Anne decided to give Topher some grapes.

Here Topher, you want some?

Good job!

Will you give me one now please?
Sarah Anne now climbs into the car, instead of using the door.

Time to go for a drive!

Silly girl!

Here Topher, this will make you feel better!

Let's play nicely together!

Here you go!!

1 comment:

  1. Aww, how sweet! I just love watching them play together!
