Monday, August 15, 2011

The Golden Age....

18 Months!!!!
I cannot believe my sweet baby is 18 months.  How in the world did this...
become this.....

Oh how I ADORE this sweet girl! 

I cannot believe how fast it goes, but even more I cannot believe how WONDERFUL eighteen months have been!  I had always heard that 18 months is like the "golden age" where they become more independent and can tell you more of what they want.  It is DEFINATELY true!  In the past two months Sarah Anne has really developed her little personality and is quick to let you know exactly what she needs you to do!  This morning we went to the mall to walk and celebrate the big 1 and a 1/2 year old!  She LOVED it!

Before we left I told her to tell the cat to get off the table, its a constant battle, this is how she handled it.  She hid under the tablecloth.

Then decide to join the cat on the table.

I grabbed her and took her off, but first I had to get a picture!

Sweet girl and Blankie ready to go!

Hey Mom, I'm ready LET'S GO!!

Ok fine, I'll just drive myself there.  (She now crawls into the van to get in).

A little Buddy Fruit before we get started.

Mom I'm ready to POWER WALK!!


She found it so fun to run up and down the ramp.  She probably did it 20 times, just laughing the whole time.

What's in there?

She decided to sell some ice cream....

What can I get you?


Time to go again!!

Guess who fund the play ground?



Silly girl!

Who's that silly girl in there?

I see you!

At the library, we just realized we lost the bow!

Here is this DVD....


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