Thursday, April 2, 2015

Surprise Party & Friends & Homeschool & Goldfish & Heaven & Easter Party

So the title is long and I will cover it all in the order it is in.  First of all I am blessed with the most amazing friends who told me we were having an egg hunt for the kids and at the same time had a surprise 30th birthday party for me!  When we walked in they all yelled surprise and had fun cupcakes and presents and party hats, which my girls were SO confused by because they had come to hunt eggs and play NOT celebrate their Mama's birthday.  I feel like I say it all the time, but I truly am humbled and blessed by my friends that show how much they love me constantly and this was just one of the many ways they do it.  I do not like to be the center of attention at all, but this was done so lovingly and was so fun!!  (And my girls still got to have their egg hunt!)  I am not the greatest at making people feel loved and giving gifts or even being a great friend, but I am so thankful that these ladies love me despite all of this!  Which was actually my example to Sarah Anne as to why we should home school.  I told her that God has given me the ability to teach and she and I do it pretty well together, but I am not as good at giving gifts and making people feel loved and appreciated like some of my friends.  We talked about how God blesses us with different gifts and that we have to use them to serve Him!!  So that being said we ordered Sarah Anne's home school stuff and I am SO EXCITED!!

On to goldfish and heaven, so this morning (before I even knew about the party) I was thinking about how wonderful my friends are to avoid goldfish when it comes to party planning because of Sarah Anne.  Goldfish are the perfect go-to snack for toddlers/preschoolers yet because SA will throw up if she has them they avoid them or try to have something she can have.  It really doesn't seem like a big deal, but it really means a lot that they stop and think about my sweet girl.  (And that none of them are shocked when she randomly does throw up!)  As we were headed to the Gaineys today Sarah Anne out of no where was telling Becca that they have 2 dogs, and that they used to have 3, but 1 died.  Then she sweetly said, but its ok because he is in heaven with Pops.  It made me smile that she still thinks of Pops and does miss him!!

So I know I have rambled, but all of these things I want to remember and each are so special!!  For the Easter Party, the kids made crafts and we made resurrection rolls, hunted eggs, and played outside.  It was a BEAUTIFUL day and my girls loved being with their sweet friends!!

This is what I walked into!! Emily is so talented, mine would be so ugly!!

Becca wanted a party hat!

Doing crafts!

Working hard!

I helped Becca a little!!

Sweet Molly

Sweet Addison helping her brother!

Sweet little friends!!  Don't know why Maggie looks sad!


Molly was so pleased to show me she was on top of the house!!

My little driver!!

Addison riding away!!


Connor..."WHERE'S MINE??"

Being donkeys like Jesus rode in on Palm Sunday.

Shouting "Hosanna!!"

Andrew couldn't eat the raw dough!!

Making resurrection rolls!


Listening to Easter stories

Then while the rolls were cooking we played "The Easter Bunny says"

"The Easter Bunny says turn around"  These 2 wouldn't let go of hands so they did a spin around.

I love Sarah Anne's face!!

Then we played follow the leader...

Jumping around the house

Andrew wanted to do it too!!


Molly gave up

Apparently Becca is good at this!

It looks like Catherine is getting the butterflies!!

My sweet baby!

Becca's turn to lead!

Eating resurrection rolls...the marshmallows were gone, just like Jesus was gone from the tomb on the 3rd day!!

Ready to hunt eggs!!

Group shot!!

Added Bryson

Bryson says its time to go....

And there he goes...

Becca was on a mission

Looking for eggs!

Marah is so read to join!!

And clearly Bryson decided he was over hunting eggs!!

Look at her go!!



Sweet girls!!

Getting out!

Going to score!

Andrew liked jumping too!!

Becca helping Molly with her eggs!

The most DELICIOUS cupcakes I have ever tasted and they were strawberry my favorite!!

Bryson's face cracks me up!

Becca found a baby to rock!!

Marah smiled at me, then refused to let me get a picture!!

These 2 were looking for the "puppy"

Giving bye hugs

Bye Connor

It was such a wonderful and fun day!

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