Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Denial, Prayer, Friends, and Picture Catch Up!

So today is Sarah Anne's kidney check-up appointment, and for most of my friends and family they just found out today, because I go into serious denial when it comes to this point.  (Honestly we didn't think we had scheduled an appointment and had to do so then found the appointment card and got the phone call reminding us recently).  Let me first clarify that I completely trust God with this and even in my struggle I know that He is faithful to carry us and especially my sweet Sarah Anne and sometimes use this to live in my state of denial.  I have grown so much and learned so much through Sarah Anne's kidney and any other time of the year am quick to share how far God has brought her and how HE has healed her (and left her doctor baffled at times with the way her kidney does work).  Matt and I pray daily together which is a process we started through this, I helped my cousin with our story when her daughter had a similar issue, I do my very best to be very intentional when my friend's children are sick or are going through difficulties, we have used this story to share with Sarah Anne how God can use VERY hard circumstances to His glory and the people He put in our lives to pray for her and our family.  All that to say, today can still be a very difficult and reflective day for me.  I just now reached out to my friends to tell them about it today, yet they have already flooded me with texts, prayers, and love that only comes from our Heavenly Father.  One sweet friend also reminded me that if something is wrong it is better they find it which is so very true and the verse she shared was Deut. 31:8, "The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Another friend (unknowing what today was) invited us to Chick Fil A today and it was a wonderful distraction.  So I am so thankful for a God who goes before and puts things into place to help us even when we are in denial!  So please be praying for our sweet girl today and we know that God has already used this situation and will continue to use it whether we finish up with the kidney doctor or have a journey ahead. Honestly, I would not trade this and the story that God has provided for anything, and look forward to sharing His great plan and purpose through it al!

Now here are completely random pictures from April that include the girls being silly, Sarah Anne's Awana's ceremony, Becca's dinner choice since she won our basketball bracket challenge with Duke winning, and just other pictures!

Making a bed

Going night-night

Sweet girls love playing together!

Sarah Anne is so patient and good to Becca

Our play date at the park with a few friends a few weeks ago!

Becca loves Charlotte!

We believe in jamming as many children...

as possible on the swing

Even when it looks uncomfortable!!

Sweet friends

Eating lunch!

Poor Becca fell, caught herself, then her face fell forward and busted her lip and scratched her nose!

She kept saying she was messy so I had to show her her reflection in my phone to see she was ok...

Then she ran off!!

I pick....CHICK-FIL-A

I got the money for my special winning dinner!!

At Chick-Fil-A!!

Sarah Anne being silly during her ceremony!

She somehow got the sign!

Her bag!

And badge!!

Sweet friends!

Becca got goldfish in nursery which is a huge deal when you can't have them at home!!

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