Saturday, November 2, 2013

Precious Becca

Our sweet baby turned 9 months the day before Halloween and we had our check up on Halloween.  She is getting so big and is in a solid 18-24 month size.  Her little tummy hangs out if you try and put her in 12 months clothes and her long legs make the pants look like capri's.  At the doctor she weighs 20 pounds 12 ounces (clothes off) and is 28.25 inches long.  Her head is 18 1/2 inches long.  She is 75% on height and weight and thanks to her Daddy a solid 90% in head.  That being said her head does not look as big as her sweet sister's did at this age, but they both have been 90% their entire life.  That sweet girl does not traditionally crawl, but don't worry she gets around just fine with more of a stretch-sit up approach.  She much prefers to hold hands and walk and is starting to pull up and can walk a little bit with her push toy.  She LOVES real food and isn't big on baby food.  We started giving her table food at 6 months and although we do break it up some, she has really learned to feed herself which has been a HUGE blessing.  She is able to eat and interact with us at dinner instead of someone having to feed her.  She is a nursing baby, but will take 1 bottle a day and is beginning to give herself a sippy cup with water!!  I am amazed at how fast she is growing.  She and Sarah Anne look VERY similar, but they are so very different!!  Sarah Anne got her first poke through barely there tooth at 9 months.  Becca at 9 months has a solid 5 teeth with 3 beginning to come in.  She is also FINALLY sleeping through the night.  We had to move Sarah Anne upstairs for a few days, but we finally have it!!!  Although, Sarah Anne no longer sleeps through the night.  One day we will sleep and I promise we will NOT take it for granted!!  So to show our sweet girls differences, here are some of Becca and Sarah Anne around the same age....

Sweet Becca Anne

Same outfit.....

Sarah Anne looks SO much younger to me.

Guess who??? (Not Becca)

Becca Anne!!!

Same time...Sarah Anne left, Becca right

Becca demolishing her pizza!!

Sarah Anne 11 months

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