Friday, June 8, 2012

5 Years and DC

Matt and I decided for our 5 year anniversary trip we would go to DC.  We got an AMAZING deal for our hotel and loved every minute of the whole trip.  We went a few weeks earlier than our anniversary so that our sweet girl could stay with her Nanny and Bubby (more on that trip in another blog).  It was wonderful to have a break and get away for a few days!!  Being in DC definitely made me realize how blessed we are to have a country that was founded with a strong faith in God and the many, MANY people that have given their lives to fight for our freedom.  We are very blessed and very often take that for granted.  So here are the pictures from our trip to DC!!!

At the DEA Museum, that I'm pretty sure took longer to find than we spent inside!!

Arlington National Cemetery.  It is just breath taking how many people have died defending our freedom.

I kept saying I was some from the south and it was obvious, but I did NOT walk around in full Confederate dress just to go on a tour of the Cemetery!!

The view from the Arlington House.

Inside Robert E. Lee's house

Our free dinner from the hotel....Matt was pleased!

Waiting in line for the Bureau of Printing and Engraving.  It was actually really neat!!

In front of the Washington Monument!!

The WWII Memorial

The WWII and Lincoln Memorial 

Daddy's cousin Frederick Hirschmann III that like so many others defended our country in Vietnam.

I know I keep saying it, but I am so thankful for those that fight for us both today and in the past!!

In front of the White House!!

American History Museum!!


The next day at the Air & Space Museum

Matt hanging out!!

The Natural History Museum

Where everyone thinks Matt works....

The IRS!!

At the Post Office Museum!  It was really neat!

The Panda Bear went down the hill on his back.  This is one of Sarah Anne's FAVORITE stories...she tells it over and over again.

The monkeys went over our heads to go from one station to another over the Zoo. It was really neat.

At Rock Creek Park where all the murders take place on "NCIS".  Matt was so excited to be there that instead of going 100 yards through the tunnel to get where we needed to go, we took the mile walk through the park.  It wasn't on purpose, but still!!

At the Baseball game.  Sadly we didn't get to go since the game we had tickets for got rained out and they won't reschedule it until July.

But at least we got to go see it!!

Our hotel room kitchen!

And living space

It was AMAZING...minus the fire alarm that went off and we had to climb down 5 flights of stairs and when we got down there we were 2 out of 5 people that left the hotel.  When we went in the people acted like we were crazy since a burnt bag of popcorn was what caused the alarm to go off!  We were safe at least!!

And our sweet welcome home party.  My sweet girl would not let go of me until we got in the car!  We sure did miss her!!

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