Sunday, July 26, 2015

School Art Project #1 & "PE"

So for Sarah Anne's homeschool curriculum there is an art book.  If you know me you know I am not overly crafty (although after teaching and having the girls I have improved GREATLY!!!)  So when this 36 lesson art book came I was kinda worried.  Well, we successfully completed lesson 1 which involved making play dough!  I was shocked that the girls LOVED playing with it (apparently we don't do it much because I don't like it!)  But this kind was really fun and Sarah Anne read and made the recipe like the book said.  We also started Becca's "school" this week so that she has activities to do while Sarah Anne and I start our Kindergarten year.  I am SUPER excited and we start tomorrow!!

Also, since we need "PE", but it is like 500 degrees outside we set up a slip and slide and the girls LOVED it.  All the neighbors stopped by to say they were glad we were back.  Apparently work trucks here all the time got old...

So here is our lesson 1 art lesson:

Mixing it up (of course we wear our pj's most days)

Working hard pouring it in

The red and blue

The yellow cook it until...

It becomes a ball


Ready to roll (oh those wild curls!)

Working hard

See my butterfly?


Working on "popcorn"

She made a burrito

Her pretty butterfly

Daddy had to go first

Throwing SA

Becca would only walk down it

Discussing who goes next


Becca fell


And of course Italian Ice at the end is a must!

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