Thursday, January 1, 2015

Homemade Gifts

So this year I decided I would make a bunch of gifts and I LOVED doing it even though it stressed me out completely.  I also didn't realize how much it would take time away from my sweet family, but we did it and we survived.  I started around November 10th and worked like crazy until right before December 11th with a few things after that.  For the girls' friends I made stockings for all of them, bows for the girls, and hats for the boys.  For Matt's family I made bags for all the kids, hats for the boys and scarves for the girls.  I made chicken chili for our friends and cookies.  For Mission Friends I made painted ornaments and popcorn mix, for MTO I made cookie mix (which I hear was wonderful and I was so glad!!)  For Matt's employees I made ornaments and treats along with a lunch of lasagna and apple pie dessert!!

It was a lot and like I said I loved doing it but about half way through I had a complete melt down in the shower and cried.  I realized that I was keeping busy because through the holidays not having Pops here was getting to me greatly.  We do not always see Gigi and Pops every holiday, however I did always did my best to call.  I started all my projects around Veteran's Day which is a time I have always called Pops and Granddaddy to tell them thank you for serving our country.  At Thanksgiving it got to me as my Dad asked Mama if she had called her parents and she could only asked if he called his Mom.  Even as I type this I have tears in my eyes as it hits me once again how hard it was. With my sweet babies there isn't a lot of time to mourn or stop, and I know that for my sweet Nana and Daddy and his brothers and sisters it is very hard, but there is a very special place in my life that is missing with Pops gone and hence I stayed super busy so I don't have to stop and think about it.

So all that to say here is what I have been crazy busy doing this Holiday season (and the reason for not a lot of blog posts):

Bags I made

3 out of 10 stockings

The scarves (which I made because an amazing friend saved me and helped me come up with the idea!!)

A few more stockings

Hat and scarves.  (All the boys hats look like this just boy color)

Our chicken chili's


S'more Reindeer (which I made for our small group)

And my sweet helpers making cookies

Such good helpers

Cute girl!!

Becca just ate sprinkles

Where are my sprinkles??

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