Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy Birthday Jesus!

So every year since Sarah Anne has been old enough we have had a Birthday Party for Jesus.  It has looked different every year too.  One year we had it where the parents dropped off a few kids, another year friends and Moms came over during a weekday, the next year it was just one friend and her sister, and this year was no different.  The Thursday before Christmas we had a few friends and their Moms come to the house and celebrate Jesus' birth.  Sarah Anne's friends have started going to school this year, so a lot of them were in school but thankfully her friend Addison is in school 3 days a week like her and she counts her friend Eli even though he is a year younger (and he is holds a very special place in my heart as I have watched him grow in Mission Friends).  The rest were Becca's little friends and their younger siblings that she considers all her babies!  It really was a super fun time and we stayed very busy so I did not do a great job taking pictures, but it was a wonderful time of fellowship and celebrating such a very special day!!

Decorating bags for our candy cane hunt.

Becca could not do it, she had to check on her baby.

Sarah Anne was ready!

Addison working hard.

Candy Cane Craft!!

Again Becca not doing what she is supposed to, she didn't need a candy cane craft she had the real thing!!

Charlotte went a step further and skipped the craft and hanging on the tree and went straight to eating!!

Andrew ready to get into the action!!

Bryson did not look pleased about craft time.

But his sister loved it!!

Enjoying our lunch time together!!

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