Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Growing up!

So our big girl is starting preschool!!  This makes me both sad and excited at the same time.  Last week I went through a phase where I did NOT want my baby to grow up and wanted to freeze her at her precious 3 year old self. As I have thought about it, I realized how selfish this was.  If my parents had frozen me at 3 I realized I would have never gone to school, accepted Christ, gone to college, met Matt, had my 2 precious girls and a million other things, so as hard as it it I realize how special and important this precious time is for Sarah Anne.

Of course, it is also very obvious where God wanted our sweet girl.  We were late in the game with deciding on preschool and thought she should go to our church's preschool, but I am now very thankful that she isn't going there.  We are off to Union, but more than loving the school I LOVE her teachers, especially Mrs. Patterson who is one of my dear friends.  Sarah Anne and all her specialness with her kidneys and goldfish is of course a concern.  I think back to October when we had yet another kidney scan and were told that she had something terribly wrong with her.  Rebecca was there for me (along with many other friends) and prayed for me, cried with me, sent me precious notes and texts and walked through that challenge with me.  She is now going to be the wonderful person that will walk Sarah Anne through this next stage in life.  God is so good and knows exactly what He has planned and I have no doubt put her in both places to help take care of our girl.  And if you ask Sarah Anne she will proudly tell you that she chose her sister's name after Mrs. Rebecca (now Mrs. Patterson).

I know I wrote a lot, but this is a very special time and I am very thankful that even in something as simple as preschool God shows His love for us and our wonderful girls!  So here are the pictures from our special morning as we got to go to school with Sarah Anne on her "first day"!!

Ready with the back pack (Dora of course)

The sun was in her eyes!!

Ready for Chick-Fil-A breakfast!!

With our big girl!!


I am ready to go in to my school!!!

This is my bird!

With Mrs. Patterson!!!

In the reading center!!

Building towers!!

Swinging on the big girl playground

And we made new friends!!  
The little girl is "Molly's friend" (they go to church and the little girl is in Molly's Sunday School class).  So all is right in the world, because there is someone that relates back to Molly!!!

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