Monday, July 8, 2013

Catching Up

So clearly we have been out of the loop big time!  We have had the Rigdon Family Reunion, where Sarah Anne broke her leg, had VBS, went to Edisto, have a sweet 5 month old that now rolls back to front, has a front tooth, and absolutely ADORES her sweet wonderful big sister!!  At the beginning of the summer, we also said good-bye to one of our sweet friends Carley who went to start a new job and travel around the next few years!  It has been a crazy start to summer, but hopefully we can catch up with the blogs individually!

Like I said, our sweet girl broke her leg being a big girl.  She decided she could go down the "fireman pole" at the playground by herself which she successfully did, however the ground was extremely hard and as a result we had a toddler fracture.  Thankfully we are blessed with such a WONDERFUL family and thanks to the Nanny team, my sweet Aunt Julia (along with my Aunt Jill, Amanda, and Crystal) knew exactly what our precious baby would need.  So Becca got to hang out at the cabins while Matt, Sarah Anne, and I headed an hour to Augusta to the hospital.  Once again, God worked things out and Mama and Daddy were able to meet us there and because of my Father teaching for the hospital, we were able to speed things up a little bit and were out of there by 1:00 am.  It was a LONG night, but we were very thankful we did not have to have Becca with us and knew she was well taken care of.  It wasn't until that Tuesday that Sarah Anne got her cast on, but she really did well overall.  She threw up almost everyday, but once again God provided for us in ways we couldn't imagine.  Our wonderful friends the Gaineys, let us bombard their house to give her a bath (we don't have a detachable shower head), the Stubbs girls came almost everyday so that Matt could go to work (I couldn't do both girls by myself), and our precious Sunday School class and friends brought us meals as we couldn't cook because she would get sick.  It was definitely a trying time, but the wonderful thing is we could see where God had a plan and showed us so many things, including relying on others which we are not super great at.  I know this was a lot and the rest shouldn't be as long, but I wanted to give a quick update!


Carley's Farewell Dinner

Sweet Friends

First Day with the cast...The whole time she asked that Angelina paint her toenails.


Becca LOVES Carley!

We made a tent

And made trophies since Matt's softball team won!

Hanging out in the tent!

Silly, sweet, happy babies!!

Nanny and Bubby came!!  Silly Sarah Anne

Our sweet family!!

This girl loves her Daddy!!

Swinging even with a cast!!

So sad, but Sarah Anne was such a good sport and did so well!!  Because of the blessing of VBS she started walking and going much quicker!!

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