Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Olympic Party

My sweet friend Laura braved opening her house up to a bunch of kids under 6 and set up an Olympic party and it was AWESOME!!  We each picked a country and dressed to match their colors and brought food from the country.  It was so much fun and the kids did great.  They made flags, had a parade of countries, played Olympic games, ate all the yummy food, and had a medal ceremony where the national anthem was played from the country they represented.  It was a great way to introduce the kids to the Olympics and our girls loved the party and the real thing!

Getting ready to make flags





Becca was clingy and would only do things with me

Parade of Nations

Playing Olympic games!

Poor Baby couldn't do anything without Mommy

Water relay

It was very serious!!  And so much fun

Trying to get everyone together...

is basically impossible...

but we try!

Our Italy boys

Watching the ceremony

Mexico girls

The USA family


So proud of our friends!!

Brazil girls

Bryson cannot get up there....

he needs his assistant Sarah Anne!!

She had to wait for him to get his medal!

Then she could help him get down!!

I highly recommend doing food from different countries!  

Lunch was AMAZING!!

So yummy!!

And Laura's spectacular cupcakes!!

We were ready for the 2016 Olympic games!!

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