Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Birthday at School!

Our last 5 year old celebration was at Sarah Anne's school.  It was supposed to be last Wednesday, but Sarah Anne ate too much icing and got sick Tuesday night so we rescheduled for Monday.  She was THRILLED to be with her friends and help me set up the plates, snacks, and drinks for her party.  Then I had the honor of reading a book to her class all while her sister played with the phone in the office are at her school.  It was a really fun day and I was very glad that I got to see my girl in action at school!  

Opening her present

Showing me her lily pad

Ready for snack!

Saying the prayer

Becca would not put down the phone and calculator!

The sweet birthday card from her classmates

Hello may I help you?


Me and my big girl!

Found their sweet friend Charlotte

Ready to go!

Loves little sis!


So we had snow, it didn't stick but we got to go out in it as it was snowing and the girls were THRILLED!!!  Well, Becca was once she woke up after Sarah Anne had been up for an hour and had already gone out by the time she woke up.  But we bundled up and went out!!  We went for a walk and then Sarah Anne and I started making snowballs from the snow that had collected on the van (there was none on the ground) and throwing it at each other.  Becca however was set on "cleaning up" the van.  After we were done Becca SCREAMED because "I CLEAN UP VAN!!!", but she came in and cleaned up the bathtub and it all worked out!!  Here are the pictures from our "snow day":


Eating "cones"

Look at that sassy pose!

Sweet girls

So I find this REALLY gross, however it rarely snows and you can only eat dirty snow off your sister's glove for so many years....

So yummy sis sis

See my snowflakes?  (We started catching them on our gloves)

And Big Sister's

Me and my girls in the snow!!


It's snowing

Sweet babies...Becca went and grabbed her hand

The love these 2 have for each other amazes me!

Then they started dancing!


It was a super fun day!

Slumber Party!!

So Sarah Anne turned 5 last Sunday and she has had more parties and milked it for all that it is worth!!  So Friday night we had her Irmo birthday party.  I have to say it was extremely hard to pick just 5 friends and I wouldn't let her pick school friends because I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings if they found out about it.  She was upset because she has a super close friend at school, but she was excited to invite her friends from church and her cousin Lachlan!  I love that she has a cousin who lives in Columbia like us and that she came up with it all by herself to invite her!  Anyway, we decided to do a pretend sleepover where her friends came over in the pj's with sleeping bags and we pretended to have a slumber party.  There was games, pizza, Frozen, and Sarah Anne's sweet older friends the Stubbs came and did nails!  I have to say we have done several birthday parties and this was my favorite one!!  (I am sure getting to wear pajamas to the party helped!)  Anyway, here is the fun time we had celebrating our big girl being 5!!

We did a "tent" out of sheets!

Ready for the party!

Goody Bags

As everyone got there they literally jumped for joy!!


Hanging out in sleeping bags!

See my pretty nails!

The nail salon

Lachlan was SUPER excited!

I'll just read a book!

Becca made a friend!

One guess the song they were all singing..

Playing keep the snowflake in the air

Eating pizza and watching Frozen

Happy Birthday to you!

My sweet birthday girl!

We had a BLAST!!