Thursday, December 19, 2013

Polar Express School Work

So school may be out until 2014, but Sarah Anne made sure that school does not end.  We have been doing school work and this week themed it around the Polar Express.  We have read the book (which is very special because my Grandmother gave us this copy years before the movie made it super popular), done ABC order activities, ordered events, read other Christmas books, started learning to read "at" words, and today made cookies and had white hot chocolate and attempted to watch the movie.  My sweet, kind-hearted big girl was terrified of the movie so we spent the majority of the time fast forwarding.  Despite that, it was still fun and she loved baking cookies.  Becca got to help with the sprinkles too so it was a girl morning!!

I will watch the cat while you watch the movie Big Sis!!

My pretty baby!!

So happy!!

I am watching the movie!! 
 (We have our Carolina colors on because we are going to the basketball game this evening!)

Cookies and Hot Chocolate!!


I was eating my cookie....

Look who was standing in my face.....

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