Monday, February 16, 2015

We LOVE Birthdays!!

So in the Norman household we apparently believe in as many birthday parties as possible!!  We had Becca's 2nd birthday a few weeks and Sarah Anne's party for her 5 friends will be soon, but we decided to have a birthday party for both girls in Charleston.  Ninnie and Bubby arranged for a princess magician with balloon animals and a ton of fun!!  The girls' cousins Aaron and Kyle were able to come (Sarah Anne was thrilled), a friend of my Mom's granddaughter came, and our sweet friend Charlotte was able to come from Columbia!!  It was absolutely perfect!  Everyone was a little shy at first until Bubby pulled out some of his "card tricks" and by the time that magic show started everyone was ready for a great time!  Everyone sat well except for Becca who decided to run off and play in my parents closet!!  But overall the "princess" held everyone's attention and they loved it!!  Here are our pics:

Ready for the day with Ninnie!

Now Bubby too!

We're ready to party!!

Eating sauce and chips!!


Ready with our decorations!

Sassy girl

Playing card games with Bubby

The magician was FABULOUS!!!

So excited!!

She told them to dance...Clearly Becca is all in!

Sweet Sarah Anne was SO excited!!

Ready to make a PB&J sandwich

She was thrilled to be the assistant!!

Then Becca made a run for it!!

Silly Baby!!

In Nanny's closet

She came back just in time for a magic wand!!

Headed back to hide...

Sweet friends!!

Blowing hard!!

The first animal balloon!!

"Ecca's turn"

The only 3 that would cooperate for a picture!

Ready for cupcakes!!


Look at that blue icing!!

The girls had a blast but Becca refused to nap so Mama took her for a walk in which she knocked out completely!!

Playing baseball with the new ball and bat!

Playing while Becca naps!!

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