Saturday, March 26, 2011

When Nana Comes to Town....

So when Nana comes to visit we have many MANY adventures.  Here are a few:
1.  Must join Saluda Shoals so Sarah Anne has a park to play at.
2.  Must leave Sarah Anne alone with Nana so Mama and Daddy can go play games.
3.  Lock Sarah Anne in the car and call the Irmo police.
4.  Join the zoo, because Sarah Anne must be available to go with Nana and Buddy.
5.  Make Mama and Daddy go to the movies and dinner so Nana can be alone with Nana.
6. Go back to Saluda Shoals so Mama and Daddy can run 4 miles and of course Nana can play with Sarah Anne alone.
7.  Go to lunch at Five Guys.
8.  Join the library so Sarah Anne can go to story time.

As you can see we have MANY adventures when Nana comes.  Here are a few picutres to document them:

Sarah Anne LOVES her NANA  and the grand adventures!!

Sarah Anne was a "boy" that day because she had to wear her Duke shirt for her Daddy, sadly it didn't work.....

Silly Daddy

I can do it all by myself!!

BIG GIRL climbing!

Oh hey!

Family Slide Time

WHEEEEEEEEEEE!!!  Down the slide. 

Ready to go again!

Please let me go again!!

I love my Daddy

I'll do it myself thanks!!

Big girl going down the slide.

Look at that big girl!  She LOVED IT!!

 So I mentioned Sarah Anne being locked in the car.  I was putting air in the tires and Mama was in the car so I left the keys in the car.  She got out to put Sarah Anne's jacket on and ended up locking instead of unlocking the car.  Needless to say the police were called and saved the day! Sarah Anne actually enjoyed it, because she got to see new people!!  My little social butterfly!!

Of course after those adventures we HAD to have lunch at Moes so here are some on the way....
I have my purse ready to go eat lunch.  Notice it wasthe next day and Nana made sure she was dressed like a GIRL!!

Laughing at her Silly Nana.

After Moes for lunch, we went to the zoo where for a zoo pass!  Sarah Anne LOVED it, but not for reasons you might think.  The animals were ok, but most importantly there were TONS of people for Sarah Anne to engage and boy did she!!  She loves people and would run away from Nana and Mommy to find new friends to talk to!

Having a little snack while people searching.

Nana we need to talk to those people over there!!

Will you be my friend?

Come on Nana, let's go!!

Hmm....who else needs to see me?

Mommy and the sweet girl!!

Inside with koalas,there's Nana out there!


Buddy took Sarah Anne to the zoo for the first time at 8 weeks old, she is now 13 months old.  Isn't it funny how much she's grown?
Me and my big girl!

Sarah Anne and Buddy at the lion.

Nana and Sarh Anne at the gorilla.

Baby Sarah Anne and the gorilla.

Can you tell a difference?

Scoping out the people situation.

Pretty Baby and the Tulips

Baby Bear and Baby Tiger


Oh there are fishies!!

Nana look at those fishies!!

She had found a little boy to talk to!

Who is behind me that might like to talk to me??

Oh I see kangaroos!

 We went to "Tot Trade" thats held here in Columbia and Sarah Anne got a new kitchen to play with and she LOVED it!!  Here are some cooking pictures!!
What can I cook?

It's ready!


Into the oven it goes....

Washing some dishes....

We had a GREAT time with Nana...there were quite a few more adventures but this was a lot of pictures so we'll see about the rest of them later!!

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