This week was VBS and the girls have LOVED it!! It amazes me how much Becca has grown up and how much she is JUST LIKE her big sister. I get to see her during music and she is dancing and clapping and all into it. I got to hold her and dance with her one day and we had a blast!! Sarah Anne is soaking up VBS and is showing her knowledge of the Bible which makes my Mama heart proud. I hear from so many that she knows her Bible story and can answer all the questions. As I was writing in my prayer journal for her, all I could do was praise God that she already has so much of His Word hidden in her heart. Although Matt and I strive to teach her, she learns at school, Mission Friends, Awanas, church it is such a gift from God and the desire He has put in her heart. So I took several pictures on my phone, but here are at least a few from the camera.
The silly girls wouldn't stand up
Ready for Day 1!!
Becca was TERRIFIED to stand by the minion
The girls and I hiked up to the top of the church's balcony to take a picture on the row where I sit with my group!!